The 10th Annual LOVE SHARE 5K/10K Run/Walk
제10회 사랑나누기 5K/10K 커뮤니티 마라톤 이벤트
Take the time to come out, “Stop the Hate, Sharing & Love Community” campaign. Enjoy the scenery as you walk down Wilshire Blvd, closed off just for this event from Western to Park View St., and take part in the first nationwide public-health effort aimed at tackling the challenge of Stop the Hate. Conquer the car-free streets of LA and donate to charity!
All are welcome to partake in this glorious event in front of the Wiltern Theatre! Come on out!
FREE parking available. (7am-11am, Madang Shpping Mall 무료주차 가능)

The 10th LOVE SHARE 5K/10K Run/Walk
Starting Line • 3790 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90010 (윌셔+웨스턴)
– 8:10 am : Wheel Chair Roll
– 8:20 am : 10K Race
– 8:30 am : 5K Race
– 10:00am : Awards Ceremony
– 20명이상 단체 참가팀은 신문 지면에 인터뷰 신청 가능합니다.
- 인터뷰 신청: william@koreadaily.com
- 참가신청 및 자원봉사 신청: (213)368-2630 / happyvillage@koreadaily.com