Travel Town Museum Volunteer
Volunteer Date: Saturday First week of Every Month
Happy Village is hosting a grand congregation of volunteers to clean up the Travel Town Railroad Museum! As a large scale volunteer effort, Happy Village will be organizing volunteers to pick up trash and improve the overall atmosphere of the Travel Town railroad Museum.
Food Bank Volunteer
Location: 1734 East 41st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058
(Los Angeles Regional Food Bank)
Please E-mail us at for Waiver and Liability form!
Fight hunger with us by giving just a little bit of your time.
We will volunteer at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank assembling food packages full of nutritious food for over 25,000 women with infants, children, and senior in Los Angeles County. The food packages consist of food items like canned fruit, canned vegetables, rice, cereal and other non-perishable food items.
↑ Click here for Volunteer Registeration

President’s Volunteer Service Award
Happy Village participated in the President’s Volunteer Service Award program as a Certifying Organization. This award is a Presidential honor that recognizes the valuable contributions of volunteers nationwide who are answering President Joe Biden call to serve others through their current volunteer activities or lifetime service.
In February 2020, 62 individual volunteers and 2 volunteer groups received the President’s Volunteer Service Awards.

Community Volunteer Award
2017 “JoongAng Community Volunteer Award”
2017 “JoongAng International Student Award”
2017 “Kevin Na Youth Volunteer Award”
2018 “JoongAng Community Volunteer Award”
2018 “JoongAng International Student Award”
2018 “Kevin Na Youth Volunteer Award”
“JoongAng Community Volunteer Award” will again after Pandemic